1961. 2008-10-15T14:40:33Z. 2011-03-28T23:33:36Z. Great Britain. Directorate of Overseas Surveys. DOS ; Distributed by Edward Stanford. English. Public. Kenya.
Search Results
1993. 2008-10-17T18:26:38Z. 2015-07-14T22:24:19Z. Smith, R. Government Printer. English&Afrikaans. Public. South Africa and Herbertsdale Region.
1953. 2019-08-09T18:49:01Z. 2021-09-24T21:33:31Z. Chishitsu Chōsajo (Japan), cartographer, compiler. Geological Survey of Japan. Japanese&English. cartographic image. Public. Japan and Japan.
4. 2021: Fort William and Port Arthur Sheets, Thunder Bay District, Ontario [cartographic material].
1925. 2018-06-19T19:05:07Z. 2021-02-15T20:18:59Z. Geological Survey of Canada. Geological Survey. English. Public.
1966. 2008-10-20T14:58:18Z. 2015-07-14T22:24:19Z. Geological Survey (South Africa). Printed by the Government Printer. English&Afrikaans. Public. Namibia, Ebony Region, Usakos Region, and Karibib Region.
1984. 2008-10-17T19:17:32Z. 2015-07-14T22:24:19Z. Theron, J. N. The Survey. English&Afrikaans. Public. South Africa, Cape Town Region, and Cape Town Region (South Africa).
1984. 2008-10-17T19:29:22Z. 2015-07-14T22:24:19Z. Coetsee F. The Survey. English&Afrikaans. Public. South Africa, Cape Town Region, and Cape Town Region (South Africa).
2003. 2018-02-23T21:10:04Z. 2020-08-14T18:08:32Z. Smith, William, 1769-1839. British Geological Survey. English. cartographic image. Public. England, Wales, Scotland, England., Scotland., and Wales.
1957. 2018-04-17T20:20:23Z. 2018-09-05T19:35:21Z. Williams, Howel, 1898-1980. State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. English. cartographic image. Public. Oregon, Bend Region, Cascade Range, North America, and Cascade Range.
1845. 2019-01-03T22:02:06Z. 2019-03-15T18:03:42Z. Schreiber, F., cartographer. publisher not identified. English. cartographic image. Public. Georgia.